this is the start of our survival type bow.
my friend jamie thomas and i began our hunt for a straight ironwood sappling,and he found his right off the bat!
inbetween some pics there are video links, click on them to see!

and he began to chop it down after roughly sizing it up just under his actual height...

shortly after i found mine, not as nice as his but it will do just fine,and i also cut it down to start to make a bow from it...

these are some of the "tools" we used, along with a piece of cord for a tape measure,and his small camp hatchet...
the bows quickly began to take shape...¤t=jamiesselfbow018.flv
after we removed the bark we used the cordage to find the bows center,and then marking the handle section...

then we grabbed some coal from the firepit and began to roughly mark out the handle section and the tips..

then a little heavier wood removal and j.thomas was ready to get it bending....

man, his bow is realy comming along!
this is HIS FIRST BOW!!!!!
that is why im doing most of the picture taking, ok ill throw in a shameless pic for myself...

whoa! i have to take off more mid limb and outer limb before i do that again!!! lol.
ok lets try this...

still needs more taken off, but its going to come in heavier than i thought.
this green iron wood snaps back into place real good....maybe i should not have used the term "snap" huh? hahaha
ok, im done for today, its unstrung and thick and still green.
about 30-40 minutes of bow working time so far....
now back to j. thomas....
hes doing fine isnt he!!!!
that wood is awesome!!!

a little more shavin...¤t=jamiesselfbow019.flvand finaly he wanted to realy "push" the envelope!!!¤t=jamiesselfbow020.flvthen off to his garage to wipe on a little fat.

total work time is just around 50 min, from living tree to wipe down!!!!
jamie b.
jamie t.