After three years of hunting exclusively with my own gear, I finally connected with good results. I had a pair of button bucks stop broadside at 6 yards. I picked a spot and released. The arrow passed through both lungs and the deer took off and disappeared with some crashing and then silence. I nocked another arrow and sat down to review what happened when a half rack buck waded into the creek next to me. He wandered away from me and so I decided to try grunting by mouth. He stopped, turned and headed directly to me. He stopped at 6 yards to smell the arrow lying on the ground and then spooked off and stopped at 14 yards with no shot available. I grunted again and he turned to the right a little for a near broadside shot. It just had that strange feeling of being right on when I released the arrow. He went 40 yards and then piled up. Man was I in heaven! I harvested the hickory tree that I made that bow out of in the same woods. Sorry to ramble.
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