"In TTB IV, Tim Baker says that with 10gr/# arrows, the average arrow speed for a well made selfbow is 100fps plus the draw weight of the bow. So a 110lb selfbow, for example, should be able to cross that barrier. (100+110=210fps)"
I don't have vol IV, but this is a common misconception. At least, one I harbored for while, in fact I picked up from misunderstanding Tim Baker's chapter in Vol I, until some flight shooter set me straight. If you hold the constant 10 grains of arrow mass for each pound of draw weight you normalize, or standardize the various draw weights. So, regardless of whether you shoot a 500 grain arrow from a 50# bow or 700 from a 70# the fps would be comparable, the same.
Edited: Evidently Jim and I had the same misconception of Vol I. I'm in good company!
170s is the best I've ever done with an r/d backed bow. As I understand it 180s is good, been done. 190s will get you a flight record, when configured for flight. Shooting technique makes a HUGE difference, 10 fps or more. Only way to really measure and compare objectively is with a shooting machine setup.