If it was not painfully obvious than I'm ignorant, Bow-Toxo has put his stamp of approval on the idea. (Thanks)

Look Mom! I'm a certified dumbass

(Bueskytter, my apologies for the misunderstanding of "Bretons")
Now let's move on.....
The idea of a "true" longbow is worthless, I agree. For the sake of clarity, I will be using the term "longbow" in the current politically correct manner.
Are we any closer to answering the question posed by our gracious host? I think not. One the one hand we have physical evidence of the Norse using longbows during the Viking era. We also see a tradition of longbow use and an affection for the weapon in the sagas. But, on the other hand, we have this document called the Bayeaux Tapestry that seems to contradict the "mainstream" view. Hence, we have the question: What was the Norse shooting technique?
As I stated earlier, I believe the short bow (smallbow) was an established weapon and used by soldiers of many countries for many centuries prior to the year 1066. I believe the Norse (Bretons) used this weapon in the battle of Hastings. But this still does not address the issue of shooting technique. A smallbow can be shot using the same technique as a longbow, provided the smallbow can withstand the strain of a long draw....which leads into the next question: Why draw to the chest? It may be as simple as, "The smallbow has a much shorter draw than the longbow...especially if it is NOT a composite type bow". Even though I would like to imagine that the Vikings used Asiatic style composite bows, it is very likely they did not.
Then there is the issue of the power needed to be an effective weapon against armored opponents. I think we can all agree that 80-90lb is sufficient strength to pierce mail at combat ranges and that 80-90lb is within the design capabilities of both longbows and smallbows made from saplings of yew, ash, or elm.
So, in conclusion, I think the shooting technique was dictated by the bow itself and that various self bows were used by the Norse.
PS...Bow-Toxo, you don't have time to teach me the basics? (chuckle) I know this: basically, you need to get over yourself.