Yeah if I'm going for a 31" draw under 60" i would make it a bendy handle bow that is 50"ntn with 1.5 layers of sinew staying 4" from the tips with the sinew. And the woods i would use would either be American Elm or Osage because of their high elasticity.
I am very much a sucker for juniper but juniper in this situation would blow up. I mean you could do a 60" bow and get a 30" draw but that's just too big of a bow to me...I also only have a 24" draw length so I sick to 48" and under for my bow lengths.
And aesthetics are definitely a factor, I hear ya. Without a handle bows tend to just look like a stick or a toy, but I have very much grown to like them! You can make them suuuper small. If I'm making a sinew backed osage or elm bow it only needs to be 40"ntn and I can still get my full 24" draw. Practically speaking i just love the small form factor.