About 10am, I turned off the hot box so the glue up could cool slowly. About 2:30, after we got home I opened the box and took the glue up and form out...
I removed the clamps and the rubber inner tube bands. With the tips on the table, belly up the handle back is 1 1/2" off the table. One limb has a little more reflex than the other and the glue lines look sloppy. I could tell the glue was fully cured because it only took a minute to draw blood from a sharp edge of glue.
Anyway, here are the limbs...
I haven't cleaned up the edges yet. I spent a half hour just trying to remove the masking tape from one limb I put on the belly to protect it from glue. Once I grind down the edges it will probably look better. I can see where the bands were stretched around the and the spring clamps were and can see where some of the problems are.
Also, she probably weighs 100# at least now so there will be a lot of reduction coming up.
went to the shop to sand the edges of the bow. Not as bad as I though.