Well... I’m Correy from Alone Season 7

. I took a slightly overbuilt hackberry selfbow — 68” long, straight-limbed, rectangular cross-section, 53# at 27”. The bow performed great. I trusted its durability, and the weight was good for me even in a calorie-restricted state.
If I could do it over, I wouldn’t take anything other than a straight-limbed Osage selfbow. 66” long, 50-55 pounds.
I went crazy sealing the hackberry bow in preparation for the Arctic. Probably 12 coats of modern sealer and a couple thick coats of hand-polished beeswax. I was the only contestant with a selfbow made of “other than osage” and the constant moisture was definitely an issue. The humidity was above 90% with some sort of precipitation almost every day.
One day after hunting, I unstrung my bow and it pretty much still looked strung, haha. I smoked it in the roof rafters of the shelter that night and luckily, it returned to its flat profile. Smoking the bow while sleeping became a nightly ritual after that.
I still shoot the bow fairly regularly 2.5 years after crafting it, and it still pulls 53#, but that was an eye-opener for sure. I vowed to carry osage in survival situations from that point forward