Author Topic: how do you fell a tree  (Read 6569 times)

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Offline Russ

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how do you fell a tree
« on: January 20, 2021, 09:33:34 pm »
so i had some quality time with my grandpa and he taught me the very basics of how to use a chainsaw. nothing extreme, just cutting a fallen poplar tree into firewood. Now i want to cut down a tree so i can get back into building bows without the constant stress of looking at my dwindling stave pile. buuuuut, i was only taught how to cut an already fallen tree into 18" segments, not a standing tree. So how do i do it as safely as possible without hurting the wood?

Offline Pat B

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2021, 09:49:53 pm »
You need hands on training for this with an experienced chainsaw operator. You will get directions from some folks about how to cut here and how to cut there but there is a lot more than that. You have to read the tree, find the center of gravity, know the direction it will fall and how to direct the tree as it falls to fine tune the guidance.   )-w(
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline mmattockx

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2021, 10:08:10 pm »
Search on 'tree felling' and 'tree felling safety' and maybe 'chainsaw safety' on youtube. Most of the chainsaw manufacturers have put out good videos with the emphasis on safety. The British Columbia government also put out a series of safety videos on chainsaws and tree cutting that are good if you find them.

The Stihl video:


Offline PatM

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2021, 10:31:59 pm »
Most ideal stave sized trees are easily cut by cutting  about half way through one side and the rest of the way through the other. ;)   

Offline Hawkdancer

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2021, 11:55:32 pm »
Be sure to check the direction of fall and get the hell out of the way!  Sort of aim where you want the tree to fall, cut a wedge about half way, then on the other side cut at the point of the wedge.  If anyone else is in the area, yell"TIMBER", drop the saw safely and run!  Better yet, get some one to teach you!  Trees tend to kick when they hit.  Do it safely and have fun!  Btw, save me a stave (lol)
Life is far too serious to be taken that way!

Offline Fox

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2021, 11:59:28 pm »
You should almost definitely have someone teach you hands on.... and wear chaps... But what hawkdancer said... but really chainsaws and trees are prone to be a dangerous when ya don’t know what your doing.

Why must we make simple things so complicated?

Offline Fox

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2021, 12:02:02 am »
You can always cut your trees with a bow or crosscut saw, and an axe safer and slower, and a better way to learn to fell trees. Then once your board of that, and more experienced, pick up a chainsaw. Saw and axe is more rewarding though either  way.
Why must we make simple things so complicated?


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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2021, 12:24:53 am »
Unless anybody on here is a qualified treesurgeon don't listen. I know 3 different tree surgeons and all of them would say what I'm about to say.....Chainsaws can ruin your life in an instant. They require proper dedicated training.
You cannot learn how to use a chainsaw properly by asking questions on a bow making forum. You've already been given bad advise....
Put the saw down and walk away before it gets buried in you!
Chainsaw cuts to the body are awful wounds to try and doesn't leave a cut that can be stitched back they rip huge chunks out of you and you will need an inventive surgeon to stop you leaking....
As said learn above learn to use a good quality handsaw safely. I've not come across a bow wood tree that I couldn't fell with a bow saw.

Offline stuckinthemud

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2021, 01:36:38 am »
I got a chainsaw, I always ALWAYS use a saw, axe and wedge to send it where I want it to go

Offline Del the cat

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2021, 02:21:56 am »
You can always cut your trees with a bow or crosscut saw, and an axe safer and slower, and a better way to learn to fell trees. Then once your board of that, and more experienced, pick up a chainsaw. Saw and axe is more rewarding though either  way.
Hoorah, at last someone who doesn't assume a chainsaw! :)
Most trees suitable for bow making (in the UK) can be sawn with a 36" bow saw or even a pruning saw.
I prefer to do it with hand tools as it is less noisy and when I make a mistake it is less likely to kill me, as I'm not chainsaw trained.(I have used one, just so that I knew the basics).
I look which way it want to fall, or I want it to fall, sometimes tie it off so it can't fall the wrong way. If I can shimmy up and take off some of the top I may do that first. Then cut out a bird's mouth on the side I want it fall, then saw across the back, making sure I'm to one side in case it kicks up and back.
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Offline Hamish

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2021, 04:17:30 am »
The principles of felling a tree is pretty much the same for hand saw, axe, and to a large extent with a chainsaw(extra potential danger from the saw). You really want to learn proper technique with a chainsaw, it greatly reduces your risk.

Felling trees is potentially very dangerous.

Yes you can get actual training via a course. I didn't. I bought a lot of books on tree surgery, chainsaw use and learnt the how's and why's to do things a certain way to achieve safe results. Natural lean of the tree, obstructions, tension problems, cleared escape routes.
 How to set up a bird's mouth properly, using wedges to control the fall of the tree.

Like others have said, you wont learn it properly on an internet forum(unless maybe its for tree surgery, even then you'd need a lot of foreknowledge).

Plenty of interesting youtube videos on how the pro's do it. Some really amazing footage, and of course videos of people who have done it really wrong, smashing houses or cars in the process.

I would also recommend learning on small trees and increasing the size as you get more experienced.

Its pretty fulfilling felling trees with a large handsaw, splitting on site and packing them out of the woods. Hard work too.

Always better and safer if you have a friend to help.

Offline PaSteve

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2021, 04:56:20 am »
Russell, take bownarra's advice.
"It seems so much more obvious with bows than with other matters, that we are the guardians of the prize we seek." Dean Torges

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2021, 07:18:20 am »
Well, good advice for the most part but assuming someone is going to ruin their life if they pick up a chainsaw is far fetched.

All of us had to start some where, cutting an already downed tree into firewood is a good start.

My advice, first don't try to cut a big tree to start with, something in the 8" to 10" range or smaller is a good starter tree. Only try to make the tree fall in a direction that it has room to go and don't try to make a leaning tree fall in the opposite direction of the lean. Make your notch cut and very cautiously and slowly make the back cut until the tree starts to lean in the direction you want it to go.

ALWAYS PLAN ON A ESCAPE ROUTE so you can get away from the falling tree, some trees kick back from the stump, very few but your escape route will keep you covered if this happens.

If your tree hangs up in the canopy, leave it unless you have someone with you who knows how to get it down.

Watch as many of the tree falling videos on youtube as you can.

You have to have a sharp chainsaw, a dull one will get you in trouble in a hurry.

Never take your eyes off the cut while you are making it, no day dreaming. I was day dreaming a couple of times while limbing a tree on the ground, not looking at what i was doing and knocking off limbs as fast as I could. Next thing I knew I had cut through my blue jeans on my thigh and slightly cut my leg, it was close and could have been much much worse.

The best advice I can give you is to round up someone with some chainsaw experience and ask then to show you the ropes and go with you on your first few missions. Make a bow for them and they will help you forever, I call these bows "thank-you bows" and have given out  bunch of them over the years, not for chainsaw work but help in general.

I never touched a chainsaw until I was 35 or so, a couple years later I cleared about 5 miles of hunting club roads of fallen pines after an ice storm, it took me 6 months of my days off and after work. In one 100 yard stretch of road there were 75 downed trees across the road. These trees were all at least 12" diameter and up.

You can never learn how to use a chainsaw if you don't try, but remember to respect the chainsaw, it is always the master.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2021, 07:50:36 am by Eric Krewson »

Offline PatM

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2021, 07:18:47 am »
I was purely talking about using a handsaw.    If you can cut your own Christmas tree you can a cut a bow stave tree down.

Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: how do you fell a tree
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2021, 07:30:42 am »
Pay attention to the wind as well.
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