M2A, Mullein is easy to ID, first year leaves are big like cabbage and very fuzzy soft like fur and very pale green, second yr. is when you will get your flower stalk, will send up a big 3 to 4 ft stalk with yellow flowers kinda like a red hot poker plant only yellow. I always see it growing along side of railroad tracks. I have gotten a coal with both Ironweed and cattail but like you said , pithy and kinda come apart in my hands. Horseweed, Mullein, Yucca and Giant Goldenrod are my go to with the handrill. Alot of shelf fungus wont catch a coal but make great coal extenders. Here's an easy one for ya to try. Find ya some milkweed and now is the time to gather the ovum, and use with flint and steel, the way milkweed pods turn upside down gives ya a dry ovum and you can get a coal with out drying time like some other materials, coal doesn't last long so have your tinder bundle ready to go or use an extender. Have Fun. Later Bob