17 Nov 20
0500hrs, 41 degrees, wind NNW@3-5mph
Went down to my my good friends farm to hunt for the morning which is about 20 min away. We walked in about a mile or so to a spot on a small ridge. Leaves were fluffy and ankle deep going in with clear skies above. he dropped me at stand location and continued on.
We both were set by 0550 as it started to get gray in the east and the wind picked up a bit as I could hear the stubborn red oaks holding there leafs start to rustle with this north wind. Was still dark when the first deer went by. I thought I might outta stand up early and stay standing for a few hours as anything can happen and happen quick this time of year. Was not standing more than 5-10 mins when I hear a deer coming to my south and closing fast. I look to right of my tree and make out a buck cruising right at me. I see there is no way to shoot on that side of tree. So, I will have to spin and duck my safety line to get in position on left of tree for a shot thru a small hole between a beech and the red oak the stand is in. As I turn I drag my boot on the metal platform and the buck stops in the shoot window and looks right at my direction. To late, as I have bow now at full draw and have the spot picked. I send the 600grn arrow with a 190grn point the 12 yds into his left flank. The arrow sinks deep into his side as he wheels and runs over the ridge outta sight.
I think wow, that happened in a flash. It's only about 0620 and sun has just risen. I text my buddy of the events and get down very quietly and check the hit site and if there is immediate blood. Yes there is, a hiway of blood heading down the draw. I creep back to stand and wait. Before long my friend comes back up the trail and I relay the events. I say "i'm purty sure I heard the deer go down not far down in the draw".
We both ease down the blood trail slowly and sure enough about 50yds there is the buck expired in the morning sun under a small beech tree. So, we ended our hunt rather early and walked off the ridge. As we did we ran into a big doe with five bucks following her up where we had just come from. We stopped to watch them and they never even paid us any mind as they slipped up and out of the draw. Good to see deer doing deer stuff after you have taken one out of the herd.
Heck of a morning I shall not soon forget.
Good Hunting