I have experimented a little with tip designs. I have discovered that I really don't like big full recurves as it seems to take up too much limb and didn't notice any real benefits to my bow. I have thought about adding length and seeing how that worked out. I do like the short little tight bend recurve, seems to shoot well and get to keep my working limb length. But it also seems that I really get no more benefit than just leaving a few extra inches of stiffness at the limb tips. I normally just leave the last 6 inches a little stiffer. But by leaving a few more inches stiff it does increase speed by a bit. My bows in question are hickory and osage 66-68" t/t for a 28" draw and 1 3/8 inch at the fades tapered to 1 1/4 inch 8 inches from the tips. From there tapered to 3/8 to 7/16 inch tips. I also like just a slightly flipped tip, seems to shoot well. Any input as to your likes or dislikes and why would be appreciated.