Author Topic: Wanting to start a Crimean tartar horn bow  (Read 5828 times)

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Offline Mafort

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Wanting to start a Crimean tartar horn bow
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:39:36 am »
Sooo I’m wanting to start my first composite bow. I’m wanting to go with a tartar style however I am absolutely lost with where to start. I’ve got hickory or maple for the core and I was thinking I’d use black walnut for the siyahs. However I’m not sure what the lengths of the limbs or the siyahs or anything else. Can anyone help?


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Re: Wanting to start a Crimean tartar horn bow
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2020, 12:22:21 pm »
I'm definitely no expert on this style but I think they would have been in the range of 54 inches long.
Best to make the core 5 piece.
Keep the width at around 1 3/4" of all core limb parts when splicing together.
Handle section 12  - 14" 4 - 5" inch splice into the bending limbs.
Make these around 14" long. The kasans around 8 inches and tips around 3.
Angles should be taken from an old bow.
Once you have the core assembled and horn glued I can help with limb widths.

Offline JNystrom

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Re: Wanting to start a Crimean tartar horn bow
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2020, 12:58:02 pm »
Here is link my friend Jano wanted me to give you:

Actually these are the same dimensions i tried to base my own crimean tatar. It failed miserably though, but not because of the measurements. :D I'll attach my translation of those measurements here.

Btw, what i found out was that its pretty hard to make a stable highly reflexed long hornbow (50"+). If you are aiming for lower draw weight, under 70 pounds, i would suggest making a shorter bow. I thought my bow was a bit wobbly, it might have ended somewhere 60-70 pounds of draw if the horn had not delaminated. Well anyway, good luck!

Offline JNystrom

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Re: Wanting to start a Crimean tartar horn bow
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2020, 01:06:00 pm »
Also i have some angle measurements from gluemont :D. Some people might know him by a name Beaumont. I'll attach them here.