Nice batch of staves Rakau, very clean and straight looking. Sweet profile on your girlfriend's bow PA Steve. BJ, I'm glad you got a bit of time away from the aggravating equipment repairs and into the bow shop my friend. Same for you Dave, roofing is no fun compared to bow time. Ryan that bow looks awesome buddy. Nice splice work Pearly, I know you only expect the most precise work outta yourself and most always get it. Great work by all others here this weekend as well.
I spent a few hours over at the shop today. Got my side profile reduced leaving mid limbs to tips wide for corrections to mild twist on one limb and reflexing on the caul later. Found a crack on belly but shouldn't be a problem. Realized that I wouldn't have enough depth in the handle area for a stiff handle so took the handle down to 1" thickness. Decided to go for a bit of a d/r bow so put it on the caul and did a long slow heating at handle to fades and attempted to add a bit of deflex there. Took it off the caul a couple hours later, not much deflex gained at handles/fades. Tomorrow I'll thin the limbs a bit more and add reflex to them and reduce the handle thickness a bit more and add more reflex there. That was all for today, enjoy the rest of you're Sunday all.