21 June 2020
Long day in Northern Hemisphere and Fathers day here in the land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Well, was purty warm yesterday in the woods. four big ladder stands down and up on this farm a friend hunts and tends. Really nice piece of ground lots of deer and turkey. Has two large cedar thickets, think that area was old over grown tobacca land. Just a real good area but it was logged about 40 years ago and has almost zero white oak, few reds and corn on 70% of it. That corn will still be up come middle of October I'm sure. Be tough early bow season.
Clearing one stand location we dropped a good winged elm. I took a 80" log back to the house with me. Gotta sharpen a small saw so I can kerf some staves out of it. I know I'm not splitting that. I noticed now all over for last couple years the Sassafras trees are all dying off from something??? Big mature trees and small trees. Very strange.