For the last few years I've been buying leather from a guy at the Tenn. Classic. Lately I figured I should make something from this leather instead of just waiting for a project to come up like the Christmas trade or other trades. Here is what has been keeping me out of trouble lately...
The small possibles bags(or purses) were from a pattern I made for the bear paw bag I made for JEB's granddaughter, Joannah. The back quiver was from a pattern I made many years ago. The big possibles bag was adapted originally from the old haversacks used during the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. This particular pattern was for a Christmas Trade for a guy names Dane(can't remember his last name). The Side Stalker style quivers were my adaptation from a commercial model as are the arm guards.
I have a few other ideas I'm going to try. I'd like to sell these locally but if not I may get a booth at the Classic next spring and/or use them in trades here or for the Christmas Trade this year.