I was living in an old farmhouse in the 70s, I was supposed to be studying for an upgrade exam at work but had been lured into watching some stupid game show on my B&W TV.
A storm was passing through and a bolt of lightning hit about 15 feet from the house, it ran in on main line from the meter and popped the TV like a flashbulb. The bolt also dug about a 3' crater next to house. The meter was blown about 20ft up the hill from the house.
I had the power restored to the house but didn't buy a new TV, I studied, passed my exams and moved up at the plant.
At the time my son was in the first grade and couldn't get past D in his ABCs, he could however sing every commercial on TV verbatim. He was diagnosed with brain damage, fitted with glasses he didn't need and listed as mentally retarded.
I thought this was all hogwash and took matters into my own hands. I left the TV out and started giving my son comic books. I would read them to him and encourage him to read along, soon he was reading the comic books by himself. Next it was children's books then adult books. My so called brain damaged kid was reading on a high school level when he was 8 or 9.
I left the TV out for 5 years, as a family we sat down and read our books in the evening for entertainment.
The kid turned out OK, after a stint in the Air Force he went on to Auburn and finished second in his class.
I still feel the lightning strike was a bit of divine intervention to get things back on track for me and my family.