I'm down at Fort Rucker for some training. My room is butted up against the woods and this morning when I got up to go run it was just getting daylight. I walked out the door and immediately heard something that sounded like turkeys so I looked into the edge of the woodline and sure enough there was a whole flock of them just inside the woodline eating and strutting. I eased back into my room to retrieve my longbow and quiver of arrows then eased the door open enough to shoot out of. I shot the first gobbler at about 15 yards and he began to flop around which made the other toms coming running to put the spurs to him. I popped another and he began to flop which made even more gobblers come to get in on the action. I had 10 arrows in my quiver and now have enough turkey feathers to make arrows for three years. Ranger B sloof lirpA