Author Topic: osage board bows: 2 at once  (Read 69618 times)

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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #90 on: April 27, 2008, 10:26:39 pm »
I finished the 2nd bow today.  I had to reduce the width considerably!  Running a string from center to center of the tip showed a big error, so I made it as wide as i could:  1 inch.  It is 1" wide the center 3 feet or so (but the handle is about 5/8")...tapering the last foot to 1/2".  As a result of my mistake, the bamboo is alot thicker on one side than the other.  But the bow draws in a smooth tiller, 70# at 28" with about 1.5" string follow.


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #91 on: May 07, 2008, 12:42:43 pm »

I was a little overeager to say "finished" on this one.  I got the tip overlays on and shaped.  Also, cut into the handle a 1/4" then added a small piece of rosewood to build out the arrow rest.  Once I had everything smoothed over and the handle sitting nicely in my hand, I strung it and realized it needed a little more work.

So, it's still a work in progress.  One of bamboo nodes is sitting right over the fades in the lower limb, making that area very reluctant to bend.  The upper limb has all the bend it needs.  An hour or so more work should get 'er done.


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #92 on: May 08, 2008, 03:50:38 am »
Okay, got the tiller in...did a little more work on sanding the handle, the arrow rest, and the limbs in general.  Notice that the upper limb has a positive tiller.  I found on my earliest bows that the lower limb would bend too much, so I make them a little stiffer than the upper limb now.  It looks symmetrical (fairly!) when drawn, but i'll have to prove that with a pic later on.

Notice that the handle is just a bulb.  it is big enough for the palm of the hand, and no more.  The bend starts very soon out of the fades and maximizes the available material.  My initial goal of making 70# bows has been reached.  In the next few days, I'll final sand and oil this bow...not stain it, as I did the other one...and my project will be done...god, what do i need with 2 more bows?!?!?!?


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #93 on: May 09, 2008, 11:41:12 am »
Alright, it has been final sanded to 400 and oiled. 

here's the inspector examining the tip

bulbous handle from both sides

tip overlay

spalt looks the same even after oiling

This is the pyramid shaped bow with the bulbous handle.  For those of you following along, it is not the one which had the wane on one edge.  That one got cut to 1" wide along most of its length.  This puppy weighs in at 68# at 28" after final treatment and sanding.  Within 2 pounds of my initial target weight.  I'm pretty  happy with it, let me say.  Thanks for looking.


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #94 on: May 09, 2008, 11:55:25 am »
Here are a few shots of the other one.

This one rec'd a stain before oiling...gel stain called "provincial"...whatever...

I need to file the nocks a little deeper, so i don't have a brace height picture just now...

Here's the fade, next to my thumb...

Here's the tip, next to my pinky...


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #95 on: May 09, 2008, 11:57:51 am »
whoops!  HERE's the fade, next to my thumb

and another shot of the belly (this is where that nasty bit of wane was, i think)

notice that the bamboo is clear:  no spalting in this section

I'm pretty disappointed in the handle so far...should've left it the width of the it is, it will need to be built up before it's comfortable enough to shoot.


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #96 on: May 10, 2008, 05:50:09 pm »
Here are some full draw shots

First two are of the bow with the rosewood tips and handle piece...

This one is the thinner bow with no overlays...


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #97 on: October 27, 2008, 12:17:43 pm »
Dude I just gotta say you need to learn to take better photos.
I saw a lot of pictures of your feet when I was wishing I was looking at the grain of the wood.

git your camera focused somehow....

I don't mean it in a harsh way...

a finnish native

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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #98 on: October 27, 2008, 01:13:46 pm »
those are some awesome bows there. would you care to add pictures of both bows with an unstrung sideprofile?
that rosewood looks darn nice!


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #99 on: November 04, 2008, 03:12:57 am »
what's wrong with looking at my feet?

Offline adb

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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #100 on: November 04, 2008, 09:51:09 am »
Hey, Scott
Those are very nice looking bows! Well done.


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Re: osage board bows: 2 at once
« Reply #101 on: November 04, 2008, 09:11:49 pm »
thanks adb...the bamboo proved pretty challenging, but those bows are very strong