All right, I'm back to work. Had Lasik done a little over a week ago, so I stayed out of my dusty shop for a while, and then had a busy weekend with scouts and such, but got back to working on my bow a little last night.
I took another look at my vine maple stave, and noticed a little ring-violating gouge about middle of one of the limbs. I figured I have two choices. I can just smooth it down and back the bow with rawhide and continue with the current design, or I can shorten the bow a bit, slide it to the other end of the stave, and make a bendy-handle eastern woodlands design. I found that the gouge is 59" from the other end of the stave, so I should have plenty of length for plan B. I was really excited about the design I had drawn on there, but I really like the character of the back of this stave, so I don't really want to cover it up with rawhide, so I drew up the shorter-bow design and will hopefully have a little time this evening to make some wood chips fly and come back with some pictures to post tomorrow.