Nu-Uhn! Keenan we know better! You were just wakin yourself up!!!

Glad she liked the soap. Now I just need to get her hooked on the lotions! Ooooh! The pocket book is goin ta be hurtin!!!

Seriously though, I would have just given it to you both for free. But I sure love those syringa shafts Dave gave me and that wonderfull Elm stave and boo backing Keenan! Thanks! Made my vacation!

Tell your wife that I will have a bunch more ready for next years event. (Its all set now. You have the excuse to be out there next year!)
Wish I could have seen Dave's face when ya pulled that one on him! The expresion on his face must have been pricless!
Four weeling was a bunch of fun in the Bronco! Keenan, you missed see that heard of Mule deer when JJ and I went out the second time on Saturday and you went out stump shooting. Must have been somethin arround 14-20 deer all together moving through the Sage and Juniper. We just could not bring ourselves to mention it to you when you told us you where busted while bunny busting.

Now riding in the front seat of Daves Bronco may be dangerous with all those projecile points but you should have tried sitting on top of them while we bounced over the Buttes! Still pulling fragments of obsidian out of me bum!

(Nah! no fragments but it was exciting!!!)
What a great time! I cant wait to get the pictures off my cell phone and post them on the web!
David T