My suggestion would be to fletch the loaner arrows distinctive as to weight/spine, and if necessary, prefix A or B for equally weighted arrows; I.e. 400 A, 400 B, and give us dummies a chance to find our arrows amongst the field. When all the arrows have the same fletching it is a bit difficult to find yours! I hope to have a good set of flight arrows matched to my bows and draw length for next year. I think bows should be weighed to the shooter's draw length, especially if he/she is shooting their own arrow, which must meet the minimum weight per pound of draw. So, if I draw a 45# bow 26", my arrows must weigh at least 450 grains, and draw 26" to the broad head. I would like to see a class strictly for hunting arrows. But it was a darned good show! I had a good time and will do it again next year! Hope this makes sense!