I'm smoking the hide now. So it'll be good to start stitching soon.im hoping to be ready in about a week or so. This may not be the best smoking method. But I haven't had much issue with the loose smoke around then hide staining the fur a noticeable amount. Then I want to make some verdegris fletching glue to go with it, using WillS' recipe. I've come to like it. Very easy to make, heat and apply. And seems to hold the fletching on well, even when the binding starts to wear. I may come up wth a few more things to throw in. Any objections to throwing in a raw fur to tan on your own method? It'll be fleshed and dried. It'll be a muskrat that you can tannup and make into a bunch of silencers, or whatever you want. Maybe some random odds and ends will be in there too.