Good evening everybody (or good morning, depending on where you are from
It's been quite a long time since I last posted something here.
But don't you worry - I used the time to both step up my bowyer game and improve my language skills
Just wanted to share this bow I recently made with you.
Material: Black locust with a maple handle glued on and white-to-transparent horn tips
Length ntn: 64"
Drawweight: 38#@28"
Weight: 418 grams
Set: round about an inch
Finish: Boiled Linseed Oil
Width at the Tips: 4mm
As you might notice, the bow has been
fumigated fumed
( is that the correct expression? ) with ammonia, making it really nicely dark-brown.
Don#t get confused if the bow looks a little bit greenish-yellowish, this usually disappears a few weeks after fuming it and turns into a nice, dark brown colour.
But enough of the talking, here are some pictures
Feel free to tell me your opinion about it!
Uhhhhm.......yeeeaaaahh....sorry for the sweatpants
I had my english school leaving exams earlier this day and couldn't quite find any motivation to dress different yet
Hope you like it!