Here's some eye pics of project.I'll post a different thread when finished.Pictures of the increased reflex as it goes.Goal with this one is to hit my draw weight at 28" maybe 29" after curing with very little tillering done.I'm sure some tweaking here and there will be required yet though.First after the horn was applied.

First sinewing done Feb.24,2017/390 grains

3 days later 2nd sinewing/565 grains

Around a week later the 3rd sinewing/around 200 grains

Around a week later the string removed for a bit already.I've noticed the sinew is able to pull on this one easier with the thinner core and a hint as to whether it will be the same draw weight.The sinew is soft yet though really and not cured.

A look at the back

Since I've put the stringer back on to fully cure.It's been a total of just over 3 weeks from first sinewing now.It's very smooth.Could of sized it once to show better[not a very good pic] but it looks like one matrix of sinew and glue already.The strands are'nt very distinguishable looking at it.