This thread is'nt for the old experienced bow hunters but for someone just starting out.Usually here in Iowa and other midwest states the rut is'nt in full swing generally till the back half of October to around Thanksgiving or so being the crazy time,but not exactly the same every year to the day.If a person is mainly buck hunting.That can run clear into January though too.Does'nt mean they are'nt shot before but as a general rule it holds true and some devoted fellas keep track of big bucks all summer long.Many does shot the first week too.
The bucks here during that time don't always conform to the status quote as far as movement where and when during this either.Especially the big smart ones.Don't always travel the deer paths the others travel and are on the move 24/7.Middle of the day/all night or whenever.Which can get them to show up in the most untimely and uncomfortable shot situations there is.Usually right under your stand or blind when it's raining,snowing or
Not like the does and yearlings here that'll move more a bit right after sunrise and a bit before sunset.So I try to timely hunt around here to increase my chances and make the best use of the time I'm out there.Not over hunting a paticular area too much.Whether I'm after a buck or a doe this is a general rule I go by here.But I will say this about those wary does.They can be a pain in the a$$
Staying out there all day has it's merits though and have done that.You just never know.Have to bring a lunch then though'm not using trail cameras for timely sits either which I just wonder how well that works anyway.There are exceptions to my game plan but generally it's spot on.It's just a matter of working the odds to your favor.Of course staying out there everyday all day increases that too but I guess I'm talking about being more
I mainly just pay attention to the deers' movements which do change here a lot from temperature changes that happen if the food source area is the same so you can watch them.The colder the better in the beginning here,because they're burning calories and need the energy and gotta move to eat,but most times I try to get a deer before the harsher temperatures get here later in the season for bow hunting anyway.Most animals[coon,possum,bobcats,and coyotes] put an upswing in their movements when it begins to get cold enough here.We hav'nt even had a good frost yet.Then lots of leaves on the ground help me prepare for a shot coming my way too.
That's my arm chair synopsis of proven success bowhunting white tail deer here.Granted that a person has his stands in prime places too. Basically you got to think like a deer.My best hunting is still coming up.Wonder what other people think and do???There are people who love to stalk hunt too.Something to be said for that too.