I found an email address for a great person at the Virginia Wildlife group.
She was very helpful and knowledgeable. She explained the mange.
PARA PHRASE-- Mange is extremely common in red fox, and coyotes are also quite susceptible to it. Red fox in particular do not seem to have the ability to build up an immune response to the mites. Mange has a higher occurrence in dense populations of animals and in urban areas. Some of these affected animals can beat mange but it can take months. A large number of them succumb to it due to secondary infections and exposure. We do not recommend treating wild animals for this condition, as any treatment that just kills the mites, does not address the poor diet and weakened immune system. As soon as these animals come into contact with the mites again, they will start the same cycle. Options are to allow nature to run its course, or you can dispatch them. Something I didn't know-- As a landowner on your own property, you do not need a permit or license to kill either a fox or coyote.
I then sent some pics. The reply was something like this--
It's hard to tell based soley on these photos, but with the black tip to ears and knowledge that gray fox for some reason are not as susceptible to mange – I will say with relative confidence this is a red fox. Thanks for sharing your photos!