A lot of the myth of the shorter ancestors was based on just plain bad archeology. Many examples of armor and clothes and even weapons from medieval periods etc were tiny, and for a long time it was incorrectly assumed that people were much smaller then but the true explanation turns out to be much more mundane than tiny ancestors. The fact is that these small examples of armor clothes and weapons were something these archeologists from the early 20th century should have recognized, they were literally salesman's samples, lol. Say you were an armorer of sufficient skill to warrant a storefront or of enough renown to be summoned by wealthier lords etc, you're not going to take up all your materials and space with full size examples of your work, examples you could have sold for a lot of money, you would make small scale examples, same with tailors etc. And because these were merchants samples and did not see actual use many more of these examples survived than the real deal.