How about Ally? Mindy? Congratulations on your exit from a financial mess, seems the Scots, are going to follow suit. She is a lucky cat. Good for you and the Wife. My cat is a spoiled rotten, mix with a biscuit head black tom, and a Siamese, I believe. He has the head of the Siamese, and is all black, except for one or two miscreant white hairs. In the summer he has a color change, in that from his neck, down to just past his shoulders, become a very beautiful bronze. Then when winter comes, it is back to all black. Oh, yeah, he talks a lot. And when I have bacon, he gets a strip. Other wise it is a lot of talking, and whining, and I am sure some form of cat cussing. I feed him cube steak. I used to feed him canned tuna, in water, but he would gobble it up so fast, that within about ten minutes, he would barf it all up. So now I feed him cube steak, and I cut it large enough that he has to chew on it awhile. I have to cook it for him, he isn't a big fan of raw meat, but I have been cooking it more, and more rare, to get used to raw meat. he really loves it. Now and then I will sprinkle a little bit of ginger on his food, to rid him of any parasites he might pick up. I have to close the door to the utility/half bath, to keep him from grabbing a chunk of meat, and going to first rug, or carpet he can find. Also does that when he barfs. Something about cats and rugs. Any way, he was stray also, came up just after I lost my other cat who was a stray also. Word must have gotten out, about a good vacancy. Good luck with her, whatever you call her. Of course there is Austin Powers, aka Dr. Evil, his cat was a hairless, and he called it Mr. Wigglesworth. But Mrs. Slocombe is a good name, and I know she will be "served"..... But anyway, enjoy, and cheerio, and Ta, Ta, and all that rot,