Hi Gutshot, love your Trade bow, so sorry about your wrist! My need to do this trade properly is why I post so much, guess I'm turning into a bit of a needy nag! I finish work for the summer May 20th, so I have the luxury of time to experiment and have checked with Fred if all is OK. Since I do have time to build several bows and test them before the shipment date, I want one of them to be a Molly. I had hoped this thread would not be about risers or sleeves but would be about the limb design I have been playing about with so I can change it and improve it for the 'real' bow - the one in the photo is not for Trade in any way but to build my skills to do the Trade bow properly, so as far as a molly goes, what is right/wrong with the limb design: it seems to me that using a constant taper right out of the fades is not correct and I should have used constant width for a way? Also, in a regular selfbow, the arrow pass is about an inch above halfway, but is this true for a molly?