Author Topic: Is BOM melting down?  (Read 49614 times)

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Offline Lucasade

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #45 on: March 08, 2016, 04:47:46 pm »
A thought on opening it up to non subscribers - maybe subscribers who win get recognised for their subscription in the write up and some sort of prize, non-subscribers get the write up and kudos but nothing extra?

Offline bubby

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #46 on: March 08, 2016, 05:24:31 pm »
As far as subscribing to the magazine it's pretty cheap and they do keep this site up that's a small price to pay
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Offline Stoker

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #47 on: March 08, 2016, 05:30:15 pm »
Simon thank you for bringing this up.. I don't build bows.. I tried had some success and some failure.. Don't spend much time one it... But I do enjoy BOM and the bow forum.. I vote as often as I can.. I think we have some of the premeir builders on this site.. We will be worse off losing it.. Sometimes we got to shake the cage.. A little revolution is not a bad thing... Subscribing is not a bad thing everything costs money..
Thanks Leroy
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Offline Bryce

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #48 on: March 09, 2016, 02:46:29 am »
I've entered a few bows and I enjoyed the announcements in my email box. But as of recent I have been reluctant to post any bows on BOM or the regular forum, mainly because I really don't have the time to take the fancy pictures.
I will continue to build and share as much as I feel needs to be shared, from my end of the spectrum.

Josh, your points where straight through and I agree.

As far as I was aware the issue with the hats and the problems with people's subscriptions where due to a certain employee who is no longer over seeing that department. Once I was contacted about my decline to renew I was assured that things would go more smoothly as thus so far it has.
I enjoy the articles and the info provided.

I've won a few BOM's and got my hats, to which Iam grateful for the support and prize:D
If I build a bow truly worthy of the contest I promise to submit. But as of late, none seem to strike my fancy as such.

I vote for, not only the bow but the bowyer, if I see the same bow made by the same person over and over again. I will not vote for them. Instead I vote for the bowyer who goes against his own grain to explore the craft and the artistry.

Clatskanie, Oregon

Offline gwhbows

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #49 on: March 13, 2016, 04:05:39 pm »
I just renewed my subscription.  I would like a hat :).  Not sure my bows will be worthy of the competition but I intend to participate in BOM.  I have been observing for the past few years trying to build a bow worthy of the contest.  If I wait to build one worthy, I may never participate.  If more entries are required to keep it going, I am in.  I have enjoyed viewing bows too much to see it go away.

Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2016, 01:42:49 pm »
I remember Mike, president of PA, posting a number of years ago that the number of people who were subscribers as opposed to those that used this site was quite small, he was a bit distressed about this.  The end result was the board was closed to subscribers only.  That didn't work very well and it was quiet here. 

I personally agree that subscribers only be allowed to participate.  I do find that the way BOM is run could be improved.  When Don was in charge it was timely and well run.  He was retired though and could devote more time to it and I think that this is what is needed.  I tried entering some bows a couple years ago and they weren't posted so I quit, maybe simplifying the process for entering would help.  It would be a shame to see it go.

In any case it wouldn't kill one to maybe skip a vice or two for a week or so and subscribe, after all it's the magazine, in large part, that keeps this message board alive.
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Offline mullet

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2016, 04:53:11 pm »
I have to agree with everything Marc said. I think BOM is an important part of this magazine and needs to keep going. The barber shop really likes having the magazine for people to read when I was mentioned in it for one thing or another. And I know everybody that wins, whether the first time person or a multiple winner, benefits in someway seeing his accomplishment in an international publication, whether in praise from family and friends or the value of their bow craft increase in purchase price. I also donate all of my magazines when I get through reading them to the barber shop or leave them in the Doctor's office when I leave.

 The hat deal is a pet peeve of mine since I get a lot of complaints from people that never received them or got them a year later, my self included. I'm owed one now from October of last year. Poor way of doing business in my opinion. Either do away with it or be more timely about sending them out.

I have bought subscriptions in the past for some that didn't have one when a lot of complaining was going on just to prove a point that it isn't that much of a cost. And the magazine makes next to nothing on all of the "over the counter" purchases.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2016, 05:44:57 pm »
I could be wrong about this Eddie but it seems to me that Mike told me that the magazine was only going to be available by subscription in the future

The other option to participating, which may or may not work, is opening it up to all members but if one wins they have to get a subscription if they want their name and bow to be publicized.  That may be more of a headache than it's worth though
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Offline sleek

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2016, 06:11:56 pm »
The winner should get a free subscription and never mind the hats. That would encourage participants and give the winner ownership of a magazine which he will be more inclined to repurchase than he was to purchase before.
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Offline bubby

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #54 on: March 26, 2016, 07:46:37 pm »
Just buy a damn subscription its about the cost of a case of beer for crying out loud, just get rid of the hats and just put the bows in the magazine. Jeeze this is getting old, they front this site which is the best bow forum around, you don't have to wade through ads everywhere come on people just grow a set and get over it. My pet peeve is the amount of guys voting get off your thumbs and vote!!! Buy a subscription, enter a bow and VOTE.
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Offline Marc St Louis

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #55 on: March 26, 2016, 07:59:05 pm »
The winner should get a free subscription and never mind the hats. That would encourage participants and give the winner ownership of a magazine which he will be more inclined to repurchase than he was to purchase before.

Well that would never fly
Home of heat-treating, Corbeil, On.  Canada

Offline Fred Arnold

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #56 on: March 26, 2016, 08:15:20 pm »
I agree bubby.

What's all the pissin and groaning about. If you can afford wood and tools to make bows surely you can scrape up 2 bucks or a beer a month for a subscription.

I found many years ago that it is much easier and more rewarding working with those that don't know anything than those that know it all.

Offline mullet

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #57 on: March 26, 2016, 10:11:41 pm »
You know, Bubby, you have the best answer I've seen yet. I have hats I don't wear and could give a Rat's you know what if I get one, but,,,. Like I said above, just to get your bow and name in an international publication, is free publicity in it self.

I know I have benefited in the price I sell my bows or trade value for guns which I like just from BOM.

Just take out a subscription or quit complaining.
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Oglala Bowyer

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2016, 09:56:16 am »
after reading all this, I can't help but feel a bit disappointed in myself. I'm at best a total introvert, you know one of those guys that suddenly disappears within themselves when being in the spotlight. You'll notice I never post anything even though my wall is covered by bows. Point is, people like me should start posting more. I think it would help out tremendously. On a another note, I do disagree that the "leading horses" should continue to post their work and even enter BOM. I like a fair fight and if I'm going to whoop someone's a$$ I'd like to do it on my own merit  :laugh:

Offline bubby

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Re: Is BOM melting down?
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2016, 01:07:15 pm »
Oglala bowyer please do post pics of your bows and make comments at will, that can just make it better when there is more bow porn and opinions😉
failure is an option, everyone fails, it's how you handle it that matters.
The few the proud the 27🏹