Mr B, so was I ...just my wierd sense of humor sir.
Mitch, Are you aware that you can cut thickness tapers on a table saw? they will come out so you mayonly need 1 or 2 passed with your thickness sander.....or if ya use a finish (fine tooth) blade no sanding at all? For what it is worth....we are gettin hammered up here as well we are falling freezing rain, snow, white-outs, and heavy wind all at the same time ...aint it great
Mr. DuBois, dont even blink around these'll miss something. This is outstanding
Dakota, around these parts the old-timers (like me) would butter fry the eggs till semi crispy and the small kids ate those cause they taste pretty much like perch but the momma's KNEW for a fact wasn't no bones, the lady's really worry about that.
AJ, did you happen to see the hoofs? they sell them as well and they are hollow, triangular in section, and actually respond real well to reshape with steam....and there are as many colors as bone.