Hi Guys,
got the limbs down to brace, weight seems to be about right, maybe a little light, 25# at brace but the lash-up 'riser' has served its purpose so now I will make something nice from cherry. Here's what I have learned
1. notching the limb does not help hold it in place - the notch will always act as a lever, and an incredibly poweful one at that - it literally pulled a Sapele (African mahogany) riser apart - the photos show the remains of the notch if you look carefully;
2. trying to catch the tip of a riser in a mortice is pointless - it squeaks and creaks like crazy as you cannot stop the limb tip from flexing when the limb bends;
3. you need to use the bigest washers you can on the bolts as the forces involved are huge.

I realise the centre block si messing things up and the next task is to sort that out but I have a couple of questions in the meantime. The second photo is about a 2" draw, I think the levers may be too long? I believe the curve should be eliptical, so the outer third needs to be moving more? Also, any reason I can't reflex the limbs at the handle when I carve the riser for real?