Wow, I am well and truly blessed! Thank you all so much! Fred I will PM you this evening after work once Ty makes his choice, OK?
I didn't even get to touch my bow this weekend, my twins were born 10 years ago on Valentines day, so this weekend was all about them and the missus. I did check my stave, it's still has some drying to do apparently. I cut a bit off one of the ends to get it down to my chosen length, and it started checking cause I forgot to seal it. I resealed the whole end with some titebond in hopes it stops, I think it will be fine cause it's right on the end and off to the side of where the actual limb tip will be.
I got to start chasing rings on plan b next while plan a keeps drying. That's the next step.
You haven't seen or heard from me much in the last few days. Two of my sisters visited traveling from Torrington, WY and Aurora, CO. We had a great time and don't get the chance to do it often enough. Anyway I'm back> You are doing a fantastic job of getting things done helping each other.
Especially wish to thank Rich for staying on top of everything going on but all of you guys are doing fantastic. Your motivation is catching.
As stated in an earlier post, the first incentive drawing was held tonight and we have 3 winners.
#1 Ty_in_ND Choice of 10" Ochsenkopf draw knife
#49 Nicholson pattern makers rasp or
Aged osage stave donated by JonW
#2 Sidmand Defer to above after Tyler's choice.
#3 Drewster JWHalverson's black hills gold ( pure honey and beeswax)
Congratulations to all of you. We will have another drawing next Sunday evening for 3 more donated items. Keep up the spirit!!!! >>-----> Fred
Well, for starters, I hope the visit with your sisters was good! I'm lucky enough that my siblings will pretty close to me, so we don't go long stretches without weeing each other.
As far as winning the drawing... all I can say is I'm humbled that I was even entered in, let alone to win something.
As for the bow, it's on to plan B for me. I was looking at the cuts for the splice and thought "they're so close to being perfect, I can work on them just a touch more...". I know, famous last words! Anyway, the boards aren't ruined at all, but if I were to cut new splices, I would be left with a length of wood that would be a little on the short side for me to comfortably make a bow for my guy's stats. I'll be trimming some more osage slats I have to size tonight!