Zuma, you want to clean all the meat and tissue from all the hide. The ears are actually two layers which is a front and back. A dull thin stick or butter knife may be used to separate the two layers. I have a tool that looks like long pliers but when you squeeze them they spread apart. I slowly push them inbetween the two layers and spread the ear layers apart. It allows your tanning solution to get in there. Around the eyes, nose and lips special care is needed in removing additional fats and tissues.
Tanning solutions can be chrome tan, Luftan tan, vegetable tan or an alum tan. They all give different results. A good tanning oil should be used after the tan.
I know that is not specific but a lot goes into tanning. Look online a Van Dykes Taxidermy website. They offer "kits" for do it yourself tanning and what results you can expect. Good Luck