OK, here's what I did tonite...
After looking over that half log of HHB, I decided that I would split it again. So I started at a check in the end and figured I'd let the wood tell me where it wants to go. Sounds cheesy I know, but it was cool to watch that split run down the log and then vear(spelling) out around the doudy knot on one side, then come right back in to a 2 in. split all the way to the other end!

Now this stave varied from 1.5 to 2.25 in.wide and wouldn't ya know....that doudy knot ended up being within 3/8th inch from exact center of this blankand just off center in width.! also cool, now I can work that into my grip area. The stave is rather thin, I can't make many mistakes with this one, but being HHB, I think there's enough meat to amke a good limb. May have to add a grip section tho. It does have some propellor twist, and I'll see what I can do with that.

Now I turn attention to the other side with the live knot. I thought about starting on the end again to let the wood decide, but I decided to start the surgical split right at the knot, run to the near end, then finish off to the other side. Again sounds corny, but it worked like a dream as far as I know.....I only lost about 3/4in. off the short side and it ran out before getting to the long end.
It's gonna be a bit snakey with twist so this should also be a challenge, but I'm gonna give'er all I got!