Ok folks it's 3AM and I've got 3 days till the school shop closes. Here's where we're at.
Waited 24 hrs after gluing on the new ash lam to the broken limb. Who knows whether it was the lam or the stress at the bolt, hoping it was the latter. I made sure to rough up the ipe with 80 grit sandpaper, and the ash for good measure. Wiped the ipe down with acetone and glued it up, and tried not to squeeze too much glue out. Cut off the excess ash and sanded down to size, then sanded down to thickness - hurray new limb. I machined two washer plates and used gasket rubber to make two (you guessed it) rubber gaskets, one between riser bed and limb, other between the washer plate and limb.
Hoping beyond hoping this does it.
Now some more tillering advice would be great. Got my long tillering string, pulled it back a few times and snapped some pictures.
Think a couple people mentioned before it looks like it's not bending much in the outer limbs, especially on the right limb. I'm thinking start with fifteen strokes of a card scraper on the outer 12" of the right limb and ten on the left..but I've never done this before so advice appreciated.