Hello guys.
First congratulations everyone for all the great wok You do, and also for this great forum - even tough i dont participante much, i come here in a daily basis.
I started last year to try to build some bows and after a couple of board ones, i tried a oak stave from a tree i cut in a family property.
It has a pyramid profile 2" at fades, 0,5" at tip and 65,5 tip to tip.
The wood behaved better than i expected, it ended up 51 pounds at 26", and the tiller, even if not perfect was not bad, ended up with 0,5" string follow after shoot an 0 after est.
But because i wanted a bit more draw weigth -and also because i am stupid- í steamed the handle region to put some deflex and hopefuly raise the draw weigth to 55#
I left it clamped for 2 days but when i put the string again to see how it was, i realised the draw was only 38# at 26" and the limbs where working less near the fades and more in the obter third.
What harpejes?! Was it the moisture?!
Hope someone can help.
Best regards,
João pedro from portugal