Hi David,
As a parent who has two nearly adult sons,one is 17 going on 18,the other 19 going on 20. The older is,you could say,addicted to those darn video games,the other plays them but would rather do outdoorsy things(weather providing). I can Say from experience that if you ask your dad,and or mom,to have a sit down and talk with him about this in an adult manner,no arguing and/or temper tantrums,just politely explain your point and they would more than likely be willing to let you learn a life long hobby that can bring not only skills into your life but also peace of mind,
I personally find this hobby to be quite therapeutic and a great stress reliever, were as I used to play alot of video games myself( no I'm not real old,only in my 40's) and found them to be quite stressfull at times if played to much. So if you act adult like and talk with them they will come around.
good luck and PEACE,