Author Topic: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress  (Read 379490 times)

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Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1155 on: September 05, 2015, 11:04:09 pm »
Even a blind nut finds a squirrel now and then.

So one of the guys who volunteered to help run the trade is MIA and didn't send a bow?

Ain't the first time.  Bevan Richards from Nebraska pulled the same stunt when he ran his Bow Trade. 

I enjoyed almost everything of the trade I ran in cooperation with Bowman53.  But I also found that a very few defaulters can seriously tax a person's patience. 

I believe that prior trade runners need to create a "Chief's Council" that they are required to sit on for a period of years afterwards and they can veto names of defaulters and whiners.  And secondly, ONE PERSON RUNS THE TRADE. Yes it is more work, but there is no missed communications and less is likely to fall thru the cracks.  And all private messages should be saved. How that would work, I do not know considering the limited storage space under a username.  And lastly, I wonder if the trade runner should be anonymous, allowing this person to be a hardcase.

My two cents.

A stroke of genius!
JW, I didn't know you had it in ya!

Anonymous is simple, he is selected privately through pms from PA moderators. If they would help out a touch. Then the officiater creates a blank user profile using "BOWTRADE " every year. The password will be passed back to the moderators after the close of the trade. This way it can be passed on to the next year's officiant. The official can participate in the trade as long as he uses his normal login for regular communication. What do you think? Patrick
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Offline osage outlaw

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1156 on: September 05, 2015, 11:04:29 pm »
How is that going to make the jerks fulfill their end of the trade?   Keeping the trade runner secret won't help that any.  There will still be guys that receive a bow and disappear. 

At the end of each trade I would like to see the list of the dead beats posted.  Air the dirty laundry.  I sure wouldn't want to do a trade with a guy who was on that list.  They signed up in a public trade forum.  If they don't send a bow their name should be posted as more or less a thief at the end.  I don't understand why they haven't been posted in the past.  We don't want to hurt their feelings or what? 
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Offline wizardgoat

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1157 on: September 05, 2015, 11:10:56 pm »
I agree with Clint. Aside from the Good Dealings sticky, there should be a Bad Dealings

Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1158 on: September 05, 2015, 11:27:35 pm »
That makes a LOT  of sense as well! I agree 2! Patrick
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

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Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline jeffp51

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1159 on: September 05, 2015, 11:39:02 pm »
I am not that sure about a bad dealings sticky.  I think it would just lead to bad feelings and maybe some premature and unfair judgements.  I still have a trade outstanding that I sent out several months ago.  It still think the guy is a straight up guy and will come through at some point.  I don't think that calling him out would be helpful for anyone, or for the tone of this forum, which is generally positive. 

Same goes for the bow trade.  Keep a list of deadbeats that can be passed on, but let's focus on the 80% that went well.

And Patrick totally deserves to get a really nice bow.  Some of you offered to square me away if it didn't work out for me--I think it would be very nice if someone could set him up instead.  That was maybe the nicest bow of the trade he gave away (except  for the one I got, of course).

Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1160 on: September 06, 2015, 12:16:57 am »
Ummmm that would be me Jeff.  I am terribly sorry for taking forever.  I made a deal and didnt make sure I actually had what I was offering.  My buddy has all the feathers I though I had ( I lived with him for a bit when I lost my job so our archery stuff got all mixed up. He thinks they are his, I know otherwise but feathers aint worth an argument.  )

So I made a trade a few days ago with another guy who has the feathers I thought I had and he will be sending them to you when he gets back in town next week. Sorry again to have taken so long and thanks for being cool about it. I actually sleep with the box you sent with your address next to my pillow so I think about it every night.

Now if I can just remember who I traded some skins for a bow drill set..... my messages are gone along with my memory.
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Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1161 on: September 06, 2015, 12:21:28 am »
Oh, and if pats guy doesnt come through, pats gonna get the bow of a lifetime from me. One like I myself have never even built. He will be happy his guy flaked if this bow comes out like I envision it. I have a stave I have looked for for years sitting in my bow room and will probably never find again. Just waiting on the right moment to build it.
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Offline paulsemp

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1162 on: September 06, 2015, 12:29:35 am »
I like the idea of one guy running it with an iron fist. After the drama that's been happening over the last few years I don't think there should be any shame in telling people no they cannot join. Honestly I think this is Probably the best thing that could have happened because it's forcing everyone to acknowledge the drama that can happen. It's really too bad that all this negativity has taken away from some of the beautiful work guys have done for this trade. It would be really nice to see a trade that goes by with no drama. And of course there will be problems but if people are honest and upfront that solves any drama that can happen

Offline jeffp51

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1163 on: September 06, 2015, 12:31:29 am »
Sleek, that is exactly what I meant. I know you are good for it, and I wasn't going to give names.  To be honest, I would rather think of my contribution to a trade as a gift than feel ripped off and feel bitter about it.  It is easier to just move on--although I spent part of the day today straightening apple shoots for arrows, so the feathers will come in handy. :D

Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1164 on: September 06, 2015, 12:47:23 am »
I know you werent gonna give names, but I wasnt gonna hide in the shadows either.
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Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1165 on: September 06, 2015, 01:26:49 am »

Wow, step away for one second...
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Offline GB

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1166 on: September 06, 2015, 01:48:12 am »
I'm not in the trade, just an innocent bystander who just realized that I don't have the temperament it takes to be part of one.  Jeff; you and Patrick (and some others, I'm sure) must have the trust and patience of saints.  Honestly, if I had put in the time and effort it takes to make a superb bow, I would be beyond pissed that the guy who had my name wouldn't at least try to do the same for me.  Glad to belong to a forum that has people of your caliber on it.
And no, I'm not interested in getting into next year's trade no matter how much everyone begs me to.  I will not be moved. ;D ;)
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Offline lebhuntfish

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1167 on: September 06, 2015, 01:55:59 am »
I am not that sure about a bad dealings sticky.  I think it would just lead to bad feelings and maybe some premature and unfair judgements.  I still have a trade outstanding that I sent out several months ago.  It still think the guy is a straight up guy and will come through at some point.  I don't think that calling him out would be helpful for anyone, or for the tone of this forum, which is generally positive. 

Same goes for the bow trade.  Keep a list of deadbeats that can be passed on, but let's focus on the 80% that went well.

And Patrick totally deserves to get a really nice bow.  Some of you offered to square me away if it didn't work out for me--I think it would be very nice if someone could set him up instead.  That was maybe the nicest bow of the trade he gave away (except  for the one I got, of course).

Jeff, that is one of the most gracious and unselfish thing that was ever said about me on here. Thank you so very much. If I can ever do anything for you, don't even hesitate to ask me. You are top notch sir, top notch.

As soon as I get home, you will have a box of feathers headed your way. Patrick
Once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout!

Missouri, where all the best wood is! Well maybe not the straightest!

Building a bow has been the most rewarding, peaceful, and frustrating things I have ever made with my own two hands!

Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1168 on: September 06, 2015, 02:17:08 am »
You know, I read that a few times and I cant make out if you ( jeff ) need help with making or receiving a bow. Whick confuses me even more because I thought you had done both. If your lacking a bow let me know.

Pat, thanks for the help on the feathers. Retarded situation I know, but I find myself in it. Ill get you back next weekend.
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Offline sleek

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Re: 2015 Primitive Archer bow trade works in progress
« Reply #1169 on: September 06, 2015, 02:19:33 am »
And by the way, the fun here is over. Honestly.  If you are making a bow and want to surprise you guy with one, I think he would be happy to just here from you by now, as right now he has to think he got screwed and thats not a feeling anyone wants to carry on. So if you have a bow you havent shipped, you should speak In a pm to your fellow.
Tread softly and carry a bent stick.

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