I'm no expert at all but I was told something once that changed my shooting for ever. I was in an Archery shop. I had an old wheelie bow and couldn't hit a thing with it. I was ready to throw down some big money for a new one. This older fella got up from his chair, took my bow and shoot 4 shots with it at 25 yards. 3 of them was touching and 1 about an inch off. He then took me down range and stopped about 5 feet from the target. He handed me an arrow and said "close your eyes and shoot" I thought he was nuts but I tried it. After a couple shots I figured out that I was anticipating the release, cooking my wrist, and not using my back muscles. After about 30 shots he took me back to the 25 yards line and said "now that you can operate your bow the right way, look at the target, close your eyes, draw and fire." So I did, much to my surprise I only missed by about 8 inches. He kinda chuckled and said "you now hit as good with your eyes closed as you did when you got here!" I shot 5 more with my eyes open and stacked them, even hitting one nock and two fletchings.
I tried this with my recurve also, the same day. And when I started I could only hit a paper plate at 25 yards. When I was done I could put 4 in a paper cup at 25. Give it a shot, close your eyes and just draw and release. I still do that once in a while when I feel myself getting laxed in the fundamentals. Just my 2 cents, Patrick