Author Topic: Any selfbow building weekends or classes in PA or Maryland  (Read 8785 times)

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Offline Lee Vivian

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While my intent is to attend the Tennessee Classic someday..I would love to learn to build selfbows, and was wondering if anyone knows of any
get togethers, or people who teach it.  I live in Lancaster, PA..which also puts me close to the Maryland/Delaware lines....

Lee Vivian

Offline stringstretcher

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Re: Any selfbow building weekends or classes in PA or Maryland
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2014, 03:54:16 pm »
One of the best places I know of to build a self bow is just a short ways from you Lee.  All you need to do is come on down.  Marvin and I talked this last weekend about it and he would love to share and help you build a bow.  But you have to come down to do it.  I know you camp and can travel, so it is just when do you want to do come on down Lee.  It will be an experience you will never forget.

I have several osage quarters that are ready to spit and make a bow from.  You can spit the logs for the wood for me, with our help of course.  There is no reason you could not have a bow ready to shoot in a few days and not push your self to make one....Just a suggestions my friend

Offline Lee Vivian

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Re: Any selfbow building weekends or classes in PA or Maryland
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2014, 02:35:49 am »

Sorry it took so long to reply to this post....just missed it I guess!  I would love nothing more than to come down and spend a couple days with you and Marvin...I could not think a better way or better people to spend time with learning....if i can find time to get can bet I will.
