Hmm, if it flattens out, then that might change things. Now instead of dealing with a single cross-section for the duration of the draw, we have a cross-section that is changing dynamically. That complicates things. We're leaving the realm of simple geometry and stress-strain and getting into the realms of calculus now.
The limbs flattening out may be the only reason the design works at all. What Holten said about the stress concentration in the ridges is probably true. But if the bow flattens out when it is at its maximum stresses, then all of the sudden we don't have that issue anymore, because we no longer have ridges, just a really wide flat bow.
It seems to me like an ideal design. It changes its cross-section to the ideal state at any given point in the draw and the release. It is narrow with ridges early on to give high initial draw weight storing more energy early on. Then as the stresses increase, it becomes wide and flat, a cross-section that we know deals better with greater tension. Then it narrows as it accelerates through the release, becoming more aerodynamic as it gains velocity. And it does all of this while seemingly being of lower mass than a comparable standard bow.
I don't know if all that is true, but that is how my mind is processing it at the moment. Feel free to bring me back to reality.