Clint if you a spare piece of that saw blade, I might give trade point making a try. But, of course after Tracy's tutelage in knapping I'm sure I'll be able to make all the stone points I can shoot. haha Not poking fun of Tracy's ability to teach knapping, just my ability to learn that quickly.
If anyone would be interested in trading processed sinew for raw sinew, let me know. I've tried several times to process some, but it just hurts too much from my finger tips to my shoulder pulling it apart. I know it's a pain to process, so don't feel obligated to make a trade.
Today, I got some more work done around the place. I poured, or should I say re-poured a concrete slab for the pizza oven. The original slab for an outdoor fireplace had sunk on one end side. I needed to level it out. I cut some chunks of apple wood for smoking venison quarters and tidied up around the place.
Anyone want a Lee Load-All for a 20 guage? I seem to have 2 of them. This one could use a little cleaning up and is missing the little metal bolt looking device for seating the primer. I image it to be maybe a $3 or $4 part. I'll check at my reloader store this week to see if he has one in stock or can order the piece.
Less than 2 weeks WooHoo! I got shoot a bow some. I haven't shot a bow since Dec.