You can make your own. Do like Dharma said, or just carve one out of a root burl, non toxic root of course.
Or a tree burl. or just find a nice birch or other non oily wood, and cut a limb or chunk of wood.
Just carve the bowl, and leave a stub an inch or so for the pipe stem to fit in. You have all the tools you need. You can get a round, or semi pointed stone for the dremel, of the size you want for the bowl mouth. Cut the basic shape of the pipe bowl and stem stub, and then drill a hole the length of the stub to the center of the bowl. Or you can do that after drilling 1/4 inch hole down to the depth you want in your bowl, and then use a larger bit, and another,etc. then use the stone.
down to the depth you have room for, and then drill the 1/16 inch hole in for the smoke flow from the end of the stem stub,
then drill a3/8's or so hole half way in from the stub end. Then all you have to do is shape, and polish the bowl, and fit a stem of your design to it. You can use most any wood. I would not think antler, or bone would be a good choice, as the odor of burnt hair, or bone, is not a good one, nor do I think it would taste, or be so "too pretty good" for your lungs.
I don't know from experience. Could be wrong. Just seems like it would not be a pleasant experience. You can also make a clay pipe like in past century's. I started to make a peace pipe from Catlinite and used a brace and bit with a large Dremel stone with round sides and a slightly tapered tip. first I used a1/4 inch mason drill in a variable speed drill , and then used the brace and bit from there on, as I could tell when it got tight, and I also used an old side gear hand drill. I also used a fluted cone metal bit too. It is as yet unfinished, and in Montana at the moment. I have a Cedar stem for it. I need to finish carving on the pipe bowl. As soft as it is , it takes a nice polish. You can go simple, or intricate on your pipe. It is after all your pipe.
Just be careful of seeds popping..... Oh, uh, I mean, watch out for sparks, on your shirts, and so forth,
.....wear cotton shirts. Nylon melts to you.