Can ya see that dog in the shelter? He is the family pet next door to 5 wonder kids and he let's them jump all over him and he seems like a very nice dog... but he has an illness! He has a sticky mouth.
I thought I was getting really tired and forgetful as my tools seemed to always be in a different location. What was happening was he would wait untill I climbed to the roof top and when I was not looking he would carry my tools into the woods and this is the list of what he lifted yesterday: my 2 bottles of water he got off the picnic table, the battery to my drill, the tape measure, a new package of drills. His name is Goose but I have renamed him Jesse James.
The tin came in yesterday and we got the roof tin all up. I also got the raking corners on one side.
After deer hunting this morning I am going to install the corners on the other side . Maybe the Ridge cap can go on as well. In the photo you can see a half wall for tillering bows.