As with a lot of people out there, I have a few extra self bows in the closet that I just don't have the time to shoot. So I figured I'd polish this one up and refinish it with some custom lettering and a new leather wrap handle.
I'm giving this to a friend's son named Jonathan who is absolutely in love with traditional archery. Jonathan is only 10 years old and has outgrown his 30# fiberglass bow. He never asked for it and has no idea it's coming so I'm hoping he'll be blown away. This will be his first custom bow made "just for him".

If this looks a little familiar, I made this in February and posted it here:
http://www.primitivearcher.com/smf/index.php/topic,1908.0.htmlEnjoy and I hope this sparks some ideas for others to purge those bows collecting dust and getting them into the hands of youngsters to pass on the tradition.
I told Joe I want some pictures of Jonathan shooting it and I'll post them when i get 'em. Hopefully sometime near the end of the day on Christmas!
Cheers and happy holidays!
Ps. This bow is 48# @ 26", 58" ntn. But...it's a very smooth pulling bow and I'm sure Jonathan can handle it.
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