It was cold, dang cold. I wondered down stairs and pappy informed me it was colder then you know what outside. He said it would be a great day to hit the tree stand so I dressed for the occasion.
The day before Jimmy told Pappy and me about bucks running along the creek so Dan, another member of Twin Oaks and I moved my ladder stand from the location where Brother Dan and I had put it up a couple years prior.
I made it out to the stand about 45 minutes till day break and settled in.
About an hour after sunrise I could hear something walking near the creek and decided to try my doe call. I hit it a lick or two and waited. I could hear what I thought was a deer headed my ways. I stood up and turned towards the sound. I seen something through the tree's with horns and the ole heart started to race. Slowly but surely the buck made it's way towards me. Finally when it presented the opportunity at about 17 yards I drew back, took a deep breath, tried to relax ( that really didn't work by the way) and released the arrow. The arrow hit and the deer dropped right where I hit it.
I climbed down and headed back to the cabin. When I got there Ronnie and Pappy were having coffee and in the kitchen when I made my way through the front door. I was all smiles and Life was indeed good!
Both guys helped take the deer back to be put in the walk in cooler,and Pappy headed off the church with his bride.
Thanks to all the folks who made my dream come true of having a successful Traditional Self Bow hunt.
Jimmy for his key to where the deer had moved yesterday.
Will for the "No Fences" Osage Longbow.
Dan for helping me move my stand.
All my friends who over the past two years told me to never give up, keep at it.
But most of all to Pappy for his patience, friendship, and sage advice when I thought the day might never come to feel that special feeling a man gets when he hunts with primitive gear and harvests one of Gods special creatures.