I've not been around PA much this past while, but always lurk.
I had the pleasure of handling some excellent points this summer. I would say some of them are "museum quality". They were collected by a friend of mine over a 15 year period. He and his friends would go camping, with the goal of only searching out points. These are the ones that he kept out of the bucketfuls (yes buckets) of points that were gathered.
I thought it might be fun to see if any of you can guess where these points are from?.....what their age might be? ...and even their use as there are some neat ones.
I couldn't manage to upload the files, so here is a link to a photoshare site.
—-photo hosting site is no longer up—— see below posts for pics.
I believe there is one point that is very, very early. Anyway, you are the experts so let me know what your theories are.