Disclaimer: im almost embarrassed and ashamed to show this..lol

Can Y'all believe this is the first time ive taken an animals life with one of my own weapons?

its been a loooooong time coming
Went roaming the woods today...started to sprinkle but continued on at a very slow walk n stalk....had one squirelly present a shot but I missed...walked slowly another 20 yards and spotted another 20 yards away(different squirell tho)...drew back n let her fly...saw the arrow do something funny like I grazed a tree on the way and didn't see where it went and what had happened...or where the squirell went...I didn't move thinking I missed and was trying to see any movement of where he went....nothing...so I took a couple steps slowly towards the scene when I noticed some leaves moving n rustling,but I couldn't see anything...I thought that must be him,and that's odd hes not running away.....got over to the scene and sure enough I drilled him...he twitched a couple more seconds and it was over....yay.....finally...to say the least I was ecstatic....that was more exciting than killing a deer with a gun...

got him home,skinned,and cleaned....yup im eating tree rat in a few days

... good for one meal

those sons of guns are hard to hit with a bow,cus they rarely ever stop moving

maybe this will get me out of my hunting drought/funk...the last 3 years haven't been good to me...