Author Topic: Do u like character bows  (Read 21195 times)

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Offline Weylin

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #75 on: September 07, 2013, 10:19:29 pm »
huisme, I've seen that picture before but don't care for it much. It doesn't really reflect most people's definition of set/string follow. I agree with Bowslayer's definition (did I just day that!?  ;) )

Offline huisme

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #76 on: September 07, 2013, 10:53:30 pm »
huisme, I've seen that picture before but don't care for it much. It doesn't really reflect most people's definition of set/string follow. I agree with Bowslayer's definition (did I just day that!?  ;) )

But... My drawing is a visualization of what Bowslayer said... Isn't it?

Set is when the belly wood becomes compressed and the limbs rest more toward the belly: check.

String follow is when the bow bends toward the belly past perfectly straight when unbraced / when the bow has deflex: check.

Where did I go wrong?
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Offline Weylin

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #77 on: September 07, 2013, 11:38:56 pm »
Hmm, I guess what you're saying is true but the picture doesn't take enough subtleties into account. The picture seems to say that set is when a bow starts with reflex and ends up straight and that string follow is when a bow starts off straight and ends with deflex. There's more to it than that. Both of the pictures are examples of set. and the second picture does show a bow with string follow but it's possible to have a bow that has string follow that hasn't taken any set. Anyway, I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill, just thought I'd throw in my two cents about set. Lets get back to talking about all the wusses that don't make character bows.  ;)

Offline huisme

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #78 on: September 07, 2013, 11:51:40 pm »
I s'pose I could edit it to reflect that better. Probably will, since I like to have explanations for that kind of stuff handy for customers.

I'm only half wuss  ;) I like my mollegabets and round-bellied bows pretty uniform, but I only add or remove character with steam when absolutely necessary otherwise.
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Offline wood_bandit99

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #79 on: September 08, 2013, 12:32:52 am »
Hey poggins, I agree with you I should post some more bows so they stop getting all up in my stuff! People are antsy on here ;) bow making takes awhile guys, what happened to patience???
Yew and osage, BEST. WOODS. EVER! Shoot straight my friends!!!

Offline Weylin

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #80 on: September 08, 2013, 12:54:20 am »
Hey poggins, I agree with you I should post some more bows so they stop getting all up in my stuff! People are antsy on here ;) bow making takes awhile guys, what happened to patience???

Nah, people are pretty friendly and laid back, really. We've just had a recent string of uppity youngsters producing a lot more hot air than bows. Some people who are otherwise cool as a cucumber just had their B.S. tolerance exceeded a few times. We like new bowyers, we like young people learning and making bows and our patience for those people is virtually limitless. No one expects you to have a stack of perfect bows to show off, just don't talk like you do if you really don't. Ask questions, post pics, show your progress and be humble and be yourself and I promise you will find everyone here to be relaxed and friendly.

Offline paulsemp

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #81 on: September 08, 2013, 01:05:18 am »
Perfectly said Weylin

Offline huisme

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #82 on: September 08, 2013, 01:06:47 am »
I started popping out two a week, that's what  >:D

Well, tillering. Finishing work takes a while.

And that's not counting heat treating. I get several bows through one stage to the next, it's just that heat treating makes for long waits.


I don't know what happened, but +1 to Weylin.
Black locust. Black locust everywhere.
Mollegabets all day long.
Might as well make them short, save some wood to keep warm.

Offline DLH

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #83 on: September 08, 2013, 01:25:52 am »
I like my bows with eraser nipples and skinny tits...I meant tips >:D

Offline Poggins

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #84 on: September 08, 2013, 02:41:27 am »
Well said Weylin , I don't crank out bows or make anything fancy , I work on them when I'm in the mood or need to clear my head . I like passing on what I've learned from others, I enjoy showing someone new to bow building how to chase a ring and will stick with them when they have a tricky stave help with layout all the way to the tiller ( still working on string building myself ) . I like the reaction when they shoot their bow for the first time especially the kids , at OJAM we get the whole family involved . When I started it took two trips to OJAM to make my first bow , I stood back with my stave and watched as several kids stood in line wanting help and the excitement when they got done something just clicked and I wanted to help . At the last OJAM we had a little girl in our group with her father , both working on bows but her stave was a challenging one even for someone with a few bows under their belt . To keep her from getting discouraged I gave her a clean easy stave and helped her with it , she stuck with it and was shooting her bow before her father , that was a good feeling .

Offline wood_bandit99

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #85 on: September 08, 2013, 05:07:22 pm »
Poggins and weylin, I get u guys and that makes sense I just thought people were hatin >:D  poggins, I went to ojam and that's what got me started. The guys were really amazing. I had the worlds weirdest staves a friend gave me. Osage with 1/2" growth rings and hackberry that looked like war bow quality yew. They only showed me how to chase a ring and the rest I've learned from experience, reading, and watching videos. Where do u guys get your 'sage? I might be running out of osage at my source. I could pick it up at ojam but who knows how many I'm gonna make!!
Yew and osage, BEST. WOODS. EVER! Shoot straight my friends!!!

Offline Josh B

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #86 on: September 10, 2013, 12:47:12 pm »
Well said Weylin! 
WB99-  I needled you quite a bit for those pics for a reason.  Myself and probably countless others really do enjoy helping folks along when we can.  To do that, we have to have an idea where your skill level is.  Talk is....well...just talk.  When starting out, it's better to ask questions and listen.  Now by your comments, it would seem that you would have us believe that you were a professional bowyer that could make a high quality  bow out of any piece wood in existence.   Now the proof is in the pudding, so to speak.  The pics of your bows tell a different story than you did.  Understand,  I am NOT knocking you or your work.  They are not bad at all for starting out.  You definitely have potential.  A potential that will be realized much quicker and easier if you learn from those that would gladly help you.  Myself included.  It seems that at about 14 or 15 yrs of age, being a bit of an awkward age, young fellas tend to try so hard to prove that they are worthy to hang out with a crowd that they end up alienating themselves.  There's no need for that here.  I think it was Jim Hamm or someone of his caliber that said, and I'm paraphrasing, you don't have to prove you are a master to be accepted here.  The fact that you are here and want to be a part of this is enough for us to accept and welcome you.  It won't be long and you will have the experience to help the next budding bowyer.  Until then, keep listening, learning and making shavings.  But above all, enjoy the ride.   Josh

Offline Josh B

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #87 on: September 10, 2013, 01:22:41 pm »
I would also like to add that although I had been making bows off and on before I found this community,  my bows have improved a hundred fold since joining here.  I have learned and continue to learn more from these fine folks than I can ever repay.  That is one of the many reasons why I try to pass on what I can if its an experience or problem that I have personally encountered.  Keep at it and you will understand where I'm coming from soon enough.  Like most things in life, the more I learn, the more I realize I don't know.  Once you understand that, the learning comes easier.  Josh


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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #88 on: September 10, 2013, 01:26:08 pm »
Hey, little Wood Bandit, How old are you? it's not nice calling a bunch of old farts out like Pearlie or Gun Doc. And I'm real suprised after running your mouth, I mean fingers, that you haven't posted any pictures of these BOM,,, oop's sorry, never saw your bows even entered in BOM, uuuuh any of your bows.

  You can talk a bunch of crap and talk in circles for 5 pages but you still haven't shown anyone some of your Art work.

  There is a load of talent on this site and it is almost always for free, if you know how to use it.


Not sure who you are, but I like your style SP. Sometimes protecting feelings will hault the most important lesson to be learned.
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline BOWMAN53

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Re: Do u like character bows
« Reply #89 on: September 10, 2013, 01:45:58 pm »
there are people on here that you would hate to get on their bad side, like Pearlie lol >:D  but if you listen to them and take their advice then they can be some of the most giving and helpful people you will ever meet. this group of people are more than willing to go out of their way to help you out if you let them and respect them. there are very few "Hobbiest" groups that will openly share information like this one will. this website is a goldmine of info and we get very annoyed when someone comes in and either lies and or disrespect us when all we wanted to do was help you out without any knowledge of who you are.